Smarter Homes Hull

Another way we’re helping residents to combat the cost-of-living crisis is through the Smarter Homes Hull project, which supports fifty of the most vulnerable households in the city that are struggling to pay their energy bills. This project provides detailed insight into a household’s energy usage over the past 12 months, enabling the resident to gain better understanding of how much it costs to run their electrical and gas appliances. This kind of information can be a real eye-opener and residents often discover that a particular device or appliance is guzzling more energy than they realised. By making simple changes, such as turning off some appliances when not in use or creating an efficient heating schedule, it becomes a lot easier to manage monthly bills.


As part of the project, we also install energy-efficient bulbs, smart plugs and other smart home devices, which aside from being convenient also play a role in lowering energy bills through greater efficiency. This is followed up by measuring the property’s energy usage over the next 12 months to measure the impact these devices have made and recommending additional ways to further reduce household bills.

Where possible, we design our projects so that they complement each other. This is very much the case with Smarter Homes Hull, as energy efficiency workshops are run through our Multiply project. These sessions share practical advice on how to better understand the maths involved with energy bills and gives people greater confidence with numbers, which in turn helps them to take control and make significant changes in order to save energy and money.


Supporting HU6 with Energy needs

The support I received from Unity was excellent, the workshops were fun and engaging and the equipment has helped to keep my home warmer through the winter months. Would definitely recommend to others!


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