Exploring Opportunities

We understand that finding employment can be difficult, especially when you take into account the multiple challenges that have arisen over the last few years. To help alleviate the stress, Exploring Opportunities helps people who are being slowed down by obstacles in their path to long-term employment and potentially facing unemployment. We’ve made this very flexible for HU6 residents, as people can simply come to us for a one-hour session, access the scheme on an ongoing basis, or anything in between.


The Exploring Opportunities scheme teaches basic skills that make a big difference, including IT proficiency, retraining for different industries, and support for overcoming personal problems such as substance misuse. Thanks to this varied and adaptive approach, the sessions can be tailored to the exact needs of each attendee. For instance, some people require help overcoming addiction in order to find a job, whereas others will have a longstanding employment history but require help in order to climb the career ladder or switch to a sector that they find more appealing.

As part of the scheme and Unity in Community’s wider offering, we can also fast track residents to Citizens Advice or Connexions if we believe these services will benefit their training and employment journey. In some cases this could be guiding them towards certain financial schemes that they’re eligible to apply for, such as financial hardship support. In addition, we can refer individuals to practitioners at the CHCP (City Health Care Partnership) if they require support with their physical health or mental wellbeing. Thanks to this agile and wide-ranging methodology, Exploring Opportunities has a high success rate of people entering the world of work, gaining the confidence to look into alternative career paths, or accessing government benefits that they’re entitled to.


This project has supported 44 people into work in the last 12 months!

Working on the Exploring Opportunities project has given residents the opportunity to overcome barriers and access the support to progress into further education or employment. During the last 12 months Unity have been able to support 44 residents into employment and 25 progress into further education - Robert Cary, Project Co-ordinator


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